We seek to be an active and involved Christian presence in Doxey. With the Bible as our basis and led by the Spirit, we listen to, and try to live out, the teachings of Jesus.
Our vision statement is Journeying Together with Jesus, for the Community and with the Community.
We are currently in vacancy and will be working towards appointing a new vicar over the coming months.
As part of our being a worshipping community, we have regular and special services, regular prayer meetings and a house group.
We have a number of shared lunches during the year and occasional social events.
We hold a number of Messy Church celebrations during the year.
As a Church we support a number of mission organizations and we have regular updates on these projects
lottie, our Children’s, Youth and Families’ Facilitator
Lottie Backhouse, our Children’s, Youth and Families’ Facilitator lottie@theyouthnet.org.uk
I am happily married to Matt who is incredibly supportive and encouraging of me and my ministry. I have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. I enjoy reading, swimming, walking and Costa coffee. I'm always happy to walk or grab a coffee with people who need a caring listening ear or just to get to know them.
My Children's Ministry journey stated 12 years ago. I felt God was saying to me "Let the little children come to me" Luke 10:14. At that time my church had no under 8's Sunday morning provision. With no previous experience of Children's work, God surrounded me with many people who had experience and certainly equipped the sent rather than sent the equipped. After 6 years of developing and growing the Sunday provision through play and craft, I was offered the position of Children's Co-ordinator overseeing all under 11's Children's work. Over the past 6 years God has used me and my teams to grow this ministry in amazing ways. I have grown immensely in my own faith whilst helping children and their families to likewise grow.
My prayers and hopes for my new and exciting adventure with St Paul's and Doxey Churches are that God will continue to use us in building his kingdom in your churches and communities. May many families and children come to know God's love and provision for them.