9.30 for 10am start
Morning Prayer - Live on ZOOM
Meeting No: 861 4794 8969 Password: 031512
An alternative way to join the above ZOOM meeting is to click on: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86147948969?pwd=S1NiMWZTVGM2ZE1OZ3RrVU8rN1dkZz09
9.30 for 10am start
Morning Prayer - Live on ZOOM
Meeting No: 861 4794 8969 Password: 031512
An alternative way to join the above ZOOM meeting is to click on: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86147948969?pwd=S1NiMWZTVGM2ZE1OZ3RrVU8rN1dkZz09
St Thomas’ & St Andrew’s C of E Church
Doxey, Stafford ST16 1EQ
Tel no. 07526 305086