“Our Lent Group” for all – “Racial Justice and Inclusion” for all.
As we enter Lent, please pray about joining the Lent Group – open to everyone – on ZOOM (and by telephone). We are reflecting on “Racial Justice and Inclusion” for all.
On Tuesdays at 7.30 and on ZOOM – 23rd Feb, 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd March.
ZOOM Meeting number: 810 0807 7615 and Passcode: 657794. (Phone: 0131 460 1196)
And “single click” access is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81008077615?pwd=QlE5Y3VrQXY0ZHBCVmdKZUJmajlZQT09
I want to encourage everyone to put these dates in their diaries. Alison writes, “This Group will challenge us to think, to debate, to lament the past, to grapple with its legacy, and to seek to be more faithful followers of Christ as we apply our Lord’s teachings and our calling as Christians to the challenges of the present.”